Make your voice heard, Burner!

Feb 15, 2021

The Kiwiburn 2021 Census is open now:

This census helps us understand who we are, where we come from, and what we need to tweak for the next Burn. Was there something you really loved about the Mythic Picnic that you want to see again in 2022? Some particular volunteer team you want to praise? Or was there something you really disliked about this year’s Burn and want to point out so that it can be improved? You can tell us what you can do to make 2022 even better.

You can use the census to privately express such thoughts – besides helping us understand the demographics and needs of our community. Kiwiburn is of course a volunteer organisation – we are all responsible for making it what it is, and the census is one way we can ensure we do this

Image source: Census of Quirinius, Wikimedia Commons

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