Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

We Want YOU!

We Want YOU!

Volunteers needed! You might have noticed we have been posting a fair share of open positions to fill with lovely people to help bring Kiwiburn to life. It ain't gonna happen without your help, that is for sure. An extra 200 people on the Paddock also means an...

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The Man burns in 12 days

Apologies to all of you NOT on your way to, or already frolicking in the Playa dust, however seeing as the granddaddy event is about to kick off, we can't help but divert some local focus to what's currently going on in a deserted spot somewhere in Nevada. Here a...

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Meet Diia – The Kiwiburn Arts Facilitator for the 2020 event

Meet Diia – The Kiwiburn Arts Facilitator for the 2020 event

As part of our ongoing behind the scenes series on Kiwiburn volunteers, we're delighted to introduce you to Diia, the Arts Facilitator for Kiwiburn, a member of ExCom and the KAC team. Her first Burn was Burning Seed in 2014 and she since been attending Trans Tasman...

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Site Safety Facilitator wanted!

Site Safety Facilitator wanted!

Kiwiburn needs a Site Safety Facilitator! Fancy yourself a safe and sensible partier? Kiwiburn’s ExCom has an open volunteer position for Site Safety Facilitator! Year round, help make strategic and crucial decisions for Kiwiburn and work alongside a dedicated Team of...

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Playa dust is in the air!

Playa dust is in the air!

Photo by Will Roger   Burning Man 2019 is now less than two weeks away, and to whet your appetite even more (as if that was necessary), here are some snippets of news and info: Burning Man from Above Will Roger, a devotee who has been taking pictures of the Playa...

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We strive to always make sure only verified info is published, though sometimes things slip through the net. The story about looking for Greeter volunteers from last week had the photo attributed to the wrong person. The correct photographer was Amy Potenger. We're...

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2019 AGM minutes

Kiwiburn is an Incorporated Society which means it is required to hold and Annual General Meeting (AGM) to vote in the financials, the committee and any changes to the Society rules. And, it is a chance for you to have your say. The 2019 AGM was held online as a...

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Another (minor) T&Cs Update

Following on from the recent updates to the Kiwiburn T&Cs last month, a few additional changes have been made to clarify some definitions. Nothing major, though we are legally obliged to keep you informed 😉 As always, if you want to check the current T&Cs...

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Tickets: more Burners on the Paddock in 2020!

Kiwiburn tickets will be on sale 10am, Saturday 14 September! Everything is going up! The population of the Paddock is increasing to 2000 and tickets for Kiwiburn 2020 will be $195.00 + booking fee. It is costing a lot more than it did two years ago to hold our unique...

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