Participation. It is a gift to the community. We all know Kiwiburn is 100% volunteer run, and that a handful of those amazing volunteers work year round to make the event happen. Are they crazy? A little. Do they love what they do? Absolutely. They give hundreds of...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Calling Members of Kiwiburn!
Did you buy a ticket and attend the 2018 Kiwiburn Event? If you did, you’ve been a Member of Kiwiburn Incorporated since then! Membership entitles you to attend the Kiwiburn Annual General meeting (AGM), giving YOU a voice in the happenings of Kiwiburn Incorporated....
Enter the Kiwiburn 2020 poster competition!
Do you have an amazing idea? Every year, Kiwiburn chooses a different theme to inspire art on the Paddock. And we need a design to use for posters, facebook, tickets, wristbands and patches. How are your 2020 Eclectic Decade poster designs looking? Keen to enter?...
Regional round up
Burning Man news Feeling dusty? Looking for a ticket for Burning Man? STEP is now open so make sure to register because that Man burns in 106 days and counting! Details here. Fly Ranch: Writers of colour to become heroines of their own stories. Read more here. Burners...
Volunteer Stories: Rangering, Part II
A couple of weeks ago we ran the first of a behind-the-scenes series at what some of our volunteers actually get up to. As part of this, Rangering - My Gift, Part II is now available to read on the KB-log webpage. Find out more from Pete Lumos about what it means to...
Burning Seed tickets
There has been reasonable interest from our Trans-Tasman friends in attending Kiwiburn 2020, so it's only fair we head to their fair land for Burning Seed, happening 25 September – 1 October. Held in New South Wales, in the Matong State Forest, the theme this year is...
Volunteers Needed!
Hey Kiwiburners! Are you an HR Superstar? Do you make stuff happen and have a wee bit of spare time on your hands? Then we're looking at you kid. Kiwiburn needs your expertise to help develop a Crew Management Policy in line with our revised Organisational Structure...
More Volunteers Needed!
In case we're being too subtle, Kiwiburn really needs more Volunteers! Do you have a skill? In, like, anything whatsoever? Of course you do, so why not put it to good use? With a plethora of positions available at the moment, from lead roles to new roles, there is...
Radical Regional Round Up
News from where we (probably) aren't... Diversity! Ten Principles! The culture chat continues; how do we apply this to our own country and community? Does it even apply? Read on! And make up your own damn mind. (PS: we hear there will be a whole series on these...
Tackling the Summit
Every year after the event Kiwiburn's volunteer executive committee, the ExCom, meet up over a weekend to debrief. With no event this year, the Summit agenda was all about planning for 2020, which is kinda important ‘cos Kiwiburn doesn't pop up in a paddock like...