Leadership Summit The sixth annual European Leadership Summit was held last week in Denmark. Read about it here. Tickets to TTITD The Main Sale didn’t go so smoothly last week and a lot of you missed out on tickets. Burning Man says: “Due to technical issues,...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Regional Round-Up
Lots is happening in the network of Regional Burns! First off is Blazing Swan, held in Western Australia’s Kurin from 17 April- 23 April. Each year, the effigy has to be in the shape of a Swan, which is worth seeing we reckon. So grab one of the last tickets and hop...
Christchurch is still in our hearts
Time moves on, headlines change, and events get pushed to the back of our heads. What happened in Christchurch that terrible day in March has forever changed us, and while its important to move on with life on one hand, on the other, we need to remind ourselves that...
Burning Man needs YOU!
Recently we reported on the permit issues that Burning Man is having, which have been further complicated by unreasonable requests made by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which are putting the future of Burning Man into serious jeopardy. Some of the requests would...
Introducing the new Arts Facilitator for Kiwiburn – Diia Bourke
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, a new Arts Facilitator is in town! We're very pleased to introduce Diia Bourke as the new person in charge of managing Art at Kiwiburn. She has been involved with Ignition and Burning Seed, helped build art at Kiwiburn and always seems to have a...
We built this city on rock and roll!
Photo by Kasai Photography The city doesn’t build itself. The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) does. There is ongoing maintenance to be done on the Paddock and MPW is seeking volunteers for a working bee at the Kiwiburn site from 24 April – 1 May. Get in touch....
Have you forgotten already…?
Well, then let us remind you 🙂 Membership: Kiwiburn still needs your membership submissions to fulfill its legal requirements. In short, because no Kiwiburn was held in 2019, everyone's membership, which comes automatically with ticket purchase, has lapsed. We need...
Paddock Radio: online
Paddock Radio has come so far, it's now online. What's this noise you ask? Here is TripleFFF to explain what it's all about... Paddock Radio started as an art project for Kiwiburn about three years ago. It's a 100% solar powered, mobile, independent radio station...
Decommodification vs Burning Man art on a runway
An internationally renowned fashion designer and veteran Burner decides to make Burning Man the focal point of his newest collection debuting during Paris Fashion Week, and Burning Man was not impressed. Where is the line between fashion, commerce and preserving the...
Calling all software savvy wizards!
Are you one of these mythical creatures who writes code for fun? Are you skilled in getting creative with building software? Is it time for you to lend a hand and have a lasting impact on our beloved community? If you've answered Yes to any of these questions, then we...