Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Kiwiburn 2024: Decadance has a Poster

Kiwiburn 2024: Decadance has a Poster

The poster competition has closed and we have imagery for Kiwiburn 2024 Decadance. Behold the awesome poster that you will see everywhere now! Congratulations to Eileen Harrison, who was the winning designer. 

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Volunteering and Ticketing for KB24

Volunteering and Ticketing for KB24

Over the last couple of months, $exCom and the Team Leads have been crunching some numbers on the volunteers we need to run our beloved event, and how many of those volunteers we have.  Newsflash: around 40% of our essential year-round roles are currently vacant. You...

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Ticket Lottery Registrations are OPEN!

Ticket Lottery Registrations are OPEN!

Everyone who attends KB24 (including those who receive tickets for Art, Theme Camps, Crew etc.) will need to create/update your Burner Profile and complete the Annual Community Survey. Once you have a Burner Profile and have completed the Annual Community Survey,...

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Art/Innovation Grant Info Evening #2

Art/Innovation Grant Info Evening #2

Planning on attending Kiwiburn 2024? Awww yussss!  Are you gonna make some Art and wanna get some schmeckles/smacks/dollars/coinage to help fund it? Are you gonna stop talking shit and start making shit?! Let us help you! Kiwiburn has several grants to support Art to...

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Burning Pub

Burning Pub

It’s been a hot minute since Auckland Burners gathered together but it’s happening this week! Burning Pub: the Playa edition aka Burning Man info evening. Are you heading to Black Rock City (BRC) for the first time, have questions and would like some hot tips? Are you...

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A Wild Arts Facilitator has Appeared!

A Wild Arts Facilitator has Appeared!

We have a wonderful new Arts Facilitator! Please welcome Cherie to the team! She's taken up the important role and will be responsible for facilitating all things Art! As always, we like to get new volunteers to introduce themselves in the EFP, so we asked her...

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Meet Bex!

Meet Bex!

Meet Bex Hawley, ExCom Theme Camp Facilitator Tell us a little about yourself Firstly, what does the Theme Camp Facilitator role involve? The Theme Camp Facilitator role is brand new in the Kiwiburn structure, recently split from the  Arts Facilitator role! My team...

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Super-Sidekicks Wanted

Super-Sidekicks Wanted

We need a bunch of 2iC’s! Harness your hidden talents and unleash the superpowers within you. Click on the roles below for the full job descriptions, and hit this handy-dandy little link to get your application in. These are all $exCom roles so you’ll get all the...

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A new Burn arises!

A new Burn arises!

You’ve heard of Burning Man. You’ve heard of Kiwiburn. But have you heard of Aatmanirburn? Probably not because it’s brand new! It’s set to take place from Oct 20-24 in India. The description reads: A celestial symphony unfolds as India's enchanting culture embraces...

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Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Burning Man (27 Aug - 4 Sept) - the Man burns in less than 40 days! If you’re making your way into the Playa (just a teensy bit different to the Paddock), it might pay to check out the Burning Man Survival Guide so you’re informed and prepared!   Lantern Burn...

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