Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Meet Jax!

Meet Jax!

We are especially stoked to present our new Crew Facilitator, Jax! First of all – how did you get into Burns and what is your Burn history? I’d been introduced to the cult… I mean, culture… through Burner friends back in the UK and knew it was something that really...

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Kiwis on the Playa

Kiwis on the Playa

We put out the call for Kiwi Burners who made the trek to Black Rock City and that call was answered! Now we have a pretty sweet blog about their experiences to share with you. We hope it’ll get you as pumped for our own Paddock reunion as we are. Ch-ch-check it out!...

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Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Fuego Austral: in 2016, Fuego Austral was the first official Burning Man regional event in Latin America. Next year, this Argentinian regional will take place in a field about 400km south of Buenos Aires, from 17-21 February 2023. General sale tickets kick off on 16...

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Say hi to James!

Say hi to James!

We’re super stoked to introduce our sensational new Site Safety Facilitator, James! James has the super important job of ensuring that Kiwiburn operates a safe and compliant environment so we - the participants and volunteers - can be kept safe during our time on the...

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Theme Camp Registration Closes Soon

Theme Camp Registration Closes Soon

If you’re part of a Theme Camp and you want to be ‘official’ on the Paddock for 2023, you need to have your Theme Camp registered by 30 October (that’s this Sunday). Registering your Theme Camp gets you your very own allocated space on the Paddock AND your events and...

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Art Registration Deadline

Art Registration Deadline

The deadline for Art registrations (with the chance at an allocated ticket) has been extended until 26 Oct (that’s tomorrow!). This is your final chance to register your Art if you want the opportunity to nab a reserve ticket along with it.   If you want to...

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Volunteer Shepherd Needed!

Volunteer Shepherd Needed!

Yes, ‘tis true. We are STILL short on volunteers for Kiwiburn 2023. We volunteers are a fickle and leaderless bunch. We need a strong, not-so-silent-type to check in onsite and see that everybody’s labour is being put to good use. The irreplaceable Jax needs...

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Let there be WATER!

Let there be WATER!

Big news! Kiwiburn 2023 will provide drinking water on site! Oh yes, you heard right - no more lugging tons of water in your cars. ExCom have approved an infrastructure budget to provide drinking water to all Burners on the Paddock. There will be a centralised water...

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Tickets: Going, Going, Almost Gone!

Tickets: Going, Going, Almost Gone!

As of Sunday afternoon, 919 of the 920 general sale tickets had been sold. Somewhere, floating aimlessly in the vast expanse of the digital world, is a single, lonely ticket waiting for its home! If you’re still sitting in the STEP queue, we reckon it’s worth staying...

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Art Registration Reminder

Art Registration Reminder

If you had some hard luck in the ticket lottery and general sale, this is a gentle but not-so-subtle reminder to GET YO ART REGISTRATIONS IN! You could still nab yourself a sweet sweet ticket with your sweet sweet Art IF it’s registered by 19 October (that’s next...

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