The Events Guide is live, online and updating daily! Check it out: If you have submitted an event, check the details are correct (and let know by 13 January if they are not!) If you are thinking of doing something, check for clashes. If you are...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
STEP Queue Update
With the influx of a couple hundred extra tickets last week, there has been some movement in the STEP queue. As of 13 January, you will only get 24 hours to secure your ticket after it is allocated, so keep an eye out for your place in line and in your inbox (and...
Join the Consent Club
Kia ora e te whānau, the Consent Club is a violence prevention and informal support system that works to uphold consent, safety, and accountability at festivals. We are looking for some awesome Burners to join our Guardian whānau and support our kaupapa this upcoming...
Temple Wants Your Plants
Do you have a favourite potted palm tree you can’t bear being without during Kiwiburn? Have a treasured lily that will wilt if you’re not there? Have a few pots filled with something indefinable that used to be green and could perhaps flourish again with a bit of...
Coming to a Paddock or a Living Room Near You… God is Going Global!
Ever wanted to have a direct line to God? Ever wanted to be God? Now is your chance! Since 2003, Talk to God (TTG) has been connecting humans with deities in Black Rock City and now, TTG is going international – in fact, God is coming to Huntersville! Turning the...
Got Questions? Bet You Aren’t the First!
The first step to Radical Self-Reliance is finding the answer yourself! Why? It’s certainly not because we don’t love you and it’s definitely not because we wouldn’t relish the opportunity to spend all day talking about the Burn. It’s just that, well… we are flippin’...
What is the Sanctuary?
Sanctuary is on-site to support you through any emotional or challenging experiences. This year, Deep Space will not be there - but Sanctuary is ready to help. Feel free to visit Sanctuary to meditate in solitude, or call on a listening ear for more focused support....
How Not to Get Dumped at Kiwiburn: Preparing Your Relationship(s) for the Paddock
Kiwiburn wants your relationships to survive the perils of the Paddock! So, two of our awesome (and love-experienced!) contributors, Navigator and T, concocted this handy guide for all you relationship people out there. (Spoiler Alert: the work begins before you...
200 Additional Tickets to be Released!
Photo credit: Mattia Luigi Nappi, via Wikimedia Commons Recently, we let you know that if existing ticket holders stepped up to fill all vacant volunteer roles, we would release more tickets. In total, 167 ticketed Burners raised their hand. We salute you! Crews are...
In Memoriam
It is with immense sadness that Kiwiburn acknowledges the tragic deaths at two music festivals over the New Year period in Aotearoa. A 29-year-old passed away at Hidden Valley in Matakana, followed by a 19-year-old festival at Rhythm and Vines near Gisborne. Also at...