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You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

The 2021 Art Theme is Mythical Picnic

HANNAH MITCHELL EXPLAINS HER WINNING IDEA:  Come one, Come all, The Mythical Picnic is our destination. Invite the Unicorns, Gryphons and Krakens... Even the Cyclopes', Gremlins and Bunyips are invited! Bring to life your imagination and bring out your inner myth "If...

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Now you know the Theme….next comes the Poster

Now you know the Theme….next comes the Poster

Feeling creative? Let the Mystical Picnic inspire you! Mythical creatures, psychedelic colours, rhyming verses, headings and writings, all in Comic Sans… the possibilities are endless of what the Kiwiburn 2021 Art Theme could mean to you! Get those creative juices...

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Event Guide For Our Community During Lockdown

Event Guide For Our Community During Lockdown

The saying goes, “May you live in interesting times”. And by golly, we are! While all of New Zealand is under an unprecedented lockdown, people here and around the world have found ingenious methods to entertain, share stories, teach, create, and so much more, helping...

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Ready for your 15 minutes of fame?

Designers, artists, creative folk! Do you have a spare hour or two of downtime at the mo’?. The Kiwiburn web team needs your help!  Our tech-savvy ferrets have finished beautifying the website's rear end, the wordsmiths hath inscrib'd the pages, and now it's time to...

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Burning Man Main Sale postponed

Last week we reported a number of regional Burns being cancelled or postponed and the list continues to grow. Check it out here. Burning Man itself is yet to make an announcement on whether there will be a Black Rock City 2020 as more information is coming to light on...

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Burning Man: The Great Disappearing City

If you’re worried whether Burning Man will go ahead this year, then get your temporary fix with this interesting video about what goes into making Black Rock City happen (and then erase it from the face of the earth again).  

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Fancy yourself a writer?

You're currently enjoying this marvellous publication we lovingly call The Electric Fencepost, aren't you. And you're thinking, “hey I could be part of this. I could absolutely add whimsical, funny, thoughtful, pertinent stories to this excellent newsletter on a...

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Burners without Borders needs your help

Burners without Borders needs your help

With the Covid-19 pandemic dominating news (this newsletter being no different), you might feel helpless and wish there was something you could do. Well, there is! Burners without Borders is a community-led organisation that provides disaster relief and solution based...

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Will Burning Man go ahead?

Will Burning Man go ahead?

The little virus-that-could is hard to escape at present and is now threatening to impact the 2020 Burning Man. While officially the not-for-profit organisation is monitoring the Covid-19 situation, voices among Burners are getting louder that this year's event should...

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Growing list of cancelled Burn events

The Covid-19 crisis is hitting Burns around the world as cancellations come in thick and fast. Some of the events cancelled or postponed are: AfrikaBurn Blazing Swan Creme Brûlée (France) Dragon Burn (China) Kiezburn (Germany) Nowhere (Spain) Many smaller Burns are...

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