Update from site

Jan 20, 2020

Teaser from a wooden structure on site that shall be burned.

She’s hot and she’s heavy. Hope you’re ready to get sweaty.

Ok, we’ll quit with the rhyming. But seriously, the sun is beaming, the ground is hard and dry, so there could not be more perfect conditions of a spot of camping and burning large structures in the middle of a paddock. This also means that you yourself will join in with the burning within 10 minutes if you don’t look after your skin and scalp.

The forecast (as much such a thing exists in New Zealand) looks glorious as the weather gods continue to be kind to us, so expect wall to wall sunshine and temperatures between 25-28 degrees every day. Yay.

And do not forget the following essentials:

  • Sun screen
  • Water
  • Did we say sunscreen and water?
  • Shade, hats, ways to cover up
  • Bug spray
  • A mallet to get tent pegs in, cos the ground is hard. Learned that one the hard way already.
  • Sunscreen and water…
  • Other essentials as previously suggested

Lastly, if you have not done so already, make sure you read the Survival Guide. There will be a quiz.

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