Recent News
What’s it like to build a Temple?
Photo by Volker Huenert Please note that the deadline for Effigy and Temple designs has been extended to 1 September! In light of this, we are having a conversation with BJ Wilson, the person to built the most recent Temple, for Kiwiburn 2018. His Temple of Perennial...
We Want YOU!
Volunteers needed! You might have noticed we have been posting a fair share of open positions to fill with lovely people to help bring Kiwiburn to life. It ain't gonna happen without your help, that is for sure. An extra 200 people on the Paddock also means an...
The Man burns in 12 days
Apologies to all of you NOT on your way to, or already frolicking in the Playa dust, however seeing as the granddaddy event is about to kick off, we can't help but divert some local focus to what's currently going on in a deserted spot somewhere in Nevada. Here a...