Burning to help?

Burning to help?

Was it magic? Did it blow your mind? Did you think “I want to help?” or “I wanna be one of those cool kids with the radios?” Are the cockles of your heart still burning with an urge to participate? We are looking for year-round volunteers to help make Kiwiburn happen...


Learnings from Ignition: Communal Effort & Civic Responsibility 1. Don’t you create a trip hazard: consider where you kick off your shoes for a dance, to sit, or whatever, where someone may trip over them – especially at night. If you spot the MOOP...
What to Do and Not To Do!

What to Do and Not To Do!

Just a little over a week to go folks! Excited? You should be! Here is a wee reminder of the things to be mindful off: Do pack enough water, sunscreen, warm clothes (it does get chilly at night), sanitiser and torches/lights Do slip, slap and slop. The sun is rather...
Events are up!

Events are up!

The Events Guide is live, online and updating daily! Check it out: If you have submitted an event, check the details are correct (and let events@kiwiburn.com know by 13 January if they are not!) If you are thinking of doing something, check for clashes. If you are...
Join the Consent Club

Join the Consent Club

Kia ora e te whānau, the Consent Club is a violence prevention and informal support system that works to uphold consent, safety, and accountability at festivals. We are looking for some awesome Burners to join our Guardian whānau and support our kaupapa this upcoming...
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