Community Facilitator Needed

Community Facilitator Needed

About a month ago, we announced that Kiwiburn’s Executive Committee (ExCom) are establishing a Community Department. This department will consist of various sub-committees: Diversity & Inclusion; Accessibility; Consent; Community Liaison; and Regional Burners;...
Brand New ExCom Role: Community Facilitator Needed

Brand New ExCom Role: Community Facilitator Needed

Kiwiburn’s Executive Committee (ExCom) have decided that it is time to establish a new Community Department within the organisation. This department will consist of various sub-committees: Diversity & Inclusion; Accessibility; Consent; Community Liaison; Regional...
Tickets: The Big News

Tickets: The Big News

Bells! Sirens! Bleeping sounds! Big Announcement: Kiwiburn has a new ticketing system! Input was asked and received, ExCom has conferred, and 2 big decisions were made: Kiwiburn 2022 tickets will be sold using a lottery system.  Registration will be open from 00:01 on...
Sidekicks Wanted

Sidekicks Wanted

Three of Kiwiburn’s team leads are currently looking for sidekicks (well, 2ICs, though you can still wear a cape if you want to): the Communications Facilitator, Site Safety Facilitator, and Services Facilitator.  The Communications 2IC helps run Kiwiburn’s social...
The Chair is in The House!

The Chair is in The House!

We are incredibly proud and excited to announce that we have a permanent Chair again! Andy Justice has decided to stop “acting” and officially become our Big Kahuna, The Great Leader, The Munificent and Extraordinary Chair of Kiwiburn ExCom (that’s the short title,...
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