

The Infrastructure Facilitator looks after the physical structures of Kiwiburn: If you build it, they will come. This includes wrangling the Ministry of Public Works (MPW), Sanitation (yum!), Town Planning (the great who goes where and why debate) and finally also...
Needed: EFP writers!

Needed: EFP writers!

Ok, so this is LITERALLY the best volunteer job at Kiwiburn. Hands down. No contest. This is a completely unbiased opinion which cannot be argued with as it is an objective truth. Glad we are on the same page here! EFP writers are beautiful golden elves whose honeyed...
Much mini-burning! Any more?

Much mini-burning! Any more?

Turns out, when the country went Red, Burns went… on, for the most part, smaller, chiller, but maybe even better.  Our mini-burn organiser survey has seen some great responses – we have heard from Embers, Regen, Spyre and WaiHi Woohoo, Make.JamHack.Camp, Fuck...
Hopefully the last Refund Update

Hopefully the last Refund Update

Kiwiburn now considers the refund process to be complete! from our end. According to the third party handling these (Stripe), all that may be left is the wait for interbank processing to occur. As of last Tuesday evening all refunds had been processed by Stripe. The...
Much mini-burning! Any more?

Miniburn organiser survey

Did you make a miniburn happen? You’re flipping awesome!  We would love to know how you got on – partly to understand how the community self-organised in the face of the big Burn cancellation, and partly to know what little Burns were out there and might...
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