We know all those who purchased tickets for Kiwiburn 2022 via the general sale lottery and then received a refund have been feeling the loss and disappointment, and wondering what happens to you for Kiwiburn 2023. Conversely, everyone who was not successful in the...
Trying to get to Burning Man? Ticket update from BM org is here: The 2022 Main Ticket Sale has ended! If you’re still in search of your Golden Ticket, ne’er fear! Here are the additional upcoming opportunities to secure a ticket to BRC: Secure Ticket...
Kiwiburn now considers the refund process to be complete! from our end. According to the third party handling these (Stripe), all that may be left is the wait for interbank processing to occur. As of last Tuesday evening all refunds had been processed by Stripe. The...
We know you are awaiting news on refunds and here it is: Refunds are now ready and are expected to be processed this week on Thursday/Friday. The amount that you will receive back is $170.42 per ticket – this is the original ticket cost of $195.00, less the pro...
You’re all waiting to hear what is happening with tickets and here is an update: We will issue refunds on tickets purchased for Kiwiburn 2022, and we are working with Quicket to get this actioned early to mid in January, in line with our ticket purchase Terms...