Get your Kiwiburner Profiles created and updated

Planning to be on the Paddock in January 2020? Then you MUST set up or renew your Kiwiburner profile in order to purchase tickets when they become available on 14 September. They will likely sell out quickly, so you will want to have our profile sorted before then. Oh...

Coming to the Burn? Create your Kiwiburner Profile Now!

Create or update your Kiwiburner Profile now! Dreaming of being back on the Paddock in 2020? Tickets will no doubt be coveted, rarer than hen’s teeth, and spun from gold, so to get your excited hands on them, you will need to be registered to purchase them. Everyone...

Tickets: more Burners on the Paddock in 2020!

Kiwiburn tickets will be on sale 10am, Saturday 14 September! Everything is going up! The population of the Paddock is increasing to 2000 and tickets for Kiwiburn 2020 will be $195.00 + booking fee. It is costing a lot more than it did two years ago to hold our unique...
The Kiwiburn Ticketing Team needs YOU!

The Kiwiburn Ticketing Team needs YOU!

Photo courtesy of Andy Flint   Help us make it all happen! Stoked on that good Kiwiburn energy and wanna stay connected to support your Burner community throughout the year? Ticketing is an integral part of Kiwiburn which affects literally every participant. If...

Ahhh… the sweet smell of tickets…

….will be filling your nostrils soon. DON’T PANIC Grab your towel, hang on to your hats, stick your thumb out and wait for a passing spaceship… errr or maybe just wait patiently for the announcement. Because it is on its way. The terrific Ticketing...
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