Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Ticket update for the 2017 event

116 days until the Man burns! Kiwiburn 2017 tickets go on sale on Wednesday 12 October. There are some significant changes to ticketing so we want you to be prepared. Firstly, a ticket to Kiwiburn will cost $170 +bf. This is primarily because we've been operating on...

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The Kiwiburn 2016 AGM

The Kiwiburn 2016 AGM was held at 8pm on 17 August in web chat format and was attended by a large number of Kiwiburners. Thanks to everyone who joined in. The transcript may be downloaded here. The Agenda was as follows: Review of the previous year; – Chairperson’s...

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Kiwiburn will NOT happen in 2017 unless…

Kiwiburn is a community not a company – this means YOU ARE Kiwiburn, and right now Kiwiburn needs people to volunteer for all sorts of jobs big and small. There are four key roles which are the bare minimum needed for Kiwiburn 2017 to go ahead: Administration Team...

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Art Grants are open!

Art Grants are open!

Art Grants applications are open! If you have a wonderful vision for art on the Paddock, have a read of the criteria online here, then apply by 12 September. We can't want to see your ideas and help make your dream a reality on the Paddock in 2017 when the robots will...

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To burn or not to burn, that is the question.

Kiwiburn needs your help… many of our lead roles need to be filled, and soon, or The Robots may not be coming in 2017. 100% volunteer-run and growing each year, we need YOU to help make Kiwiburn 2017 happen! The robots might be scary, though what will be even scarier...

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The 2017 poster competition winner(s)!

The Robots Are Coming to the Paddock and they look like they mean business! Thanks to the combined talents of Tara Fowler and Will Bennett, we have an amazing poster design for 2017. Tara’s concept of, “huge robots literally invading the Paddock created using a...

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Call for Effigy and Temple designs!

The largest art pieces on the Paddock are created by passionate Kiwiburners like you. Do you have an idea? And a hankering to build large art? Make your ideas a reality – the ExCom is receiving Expressions of Interest (EOI) for both the Temple and Effigy crew...

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The Giant Weta is taking shape!

The Giant Weta has only a few days left on its crowdfunding campaign and less than three weeks until it ships! Weta HQ in Auckland has been a hive of activity with the crew valiantly navigating the logistics of making art in New Zealand to ship 6,500 miles across the...

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On the Fly

"What if we had a place to experiment with and apply the Ten Principles 365 days a year, in addition to the one-week event?” Burning Man has put its money where its mouth is and bought a thermal wonderland near Black Rock City! Read all about it here.

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Camping in the Forest

After a Serious Harm Incident at Kiwiburn this year, Worksafe undertook an investigation, standard procedure for an event of this nature. Kiwiburn has been diligent in providing them with all information relating to our set up and processes which have been developed...

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