Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Captured moments

Kiwiburn is blessed with talented, creative people. Expressing themselves through photography this year was Andy Flint, whose photos can be seen here; Jamie Miller of Kasai Photography whose album is here; and Craig Neilson whose portraits are here.  Please...

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Hazards and falls

There are teams of volunteers who work tirelessly year round, as well as on site, to help make Kiwiburn a safe place for participants to express themselves. They are people like you, they are your campmates, your neighbours, they are enthusiastic volunteers.  ...

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The Paddock was both grand and bizarre this year! What will the 2019 theme be? We're not suggesting there should be unicorns roaming the Paddock, men in spacesuits, or giant fish roaming the Paddock, though we'd love to know your ideas!  You can submit your idea...

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Good Conduct

Good Conduct

(photo courtesy of Amy Potenger) Hi everyone, we hope you all had a safe and happy burn! Our community is a diverse and fascinating one full of all sorts of people creating amazing experiences. However, it’s not always perfect. If you witnessed or experienced assault...

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Statement from Kiwiburn Inc 27 January

The Kiwiburn Operations Team was made aware of a second incident near the festival site at 7.30am Saturday 27 January. Emergency Services were already in attendance.   Although neither incident occurred on the festival site, Kiwiburn has installed...

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Due to current and predicted rain, movement around the Kiwiburn site needs to be minimised. The Paddock is muddy and boggy in some parts, and driving on the site will make this much worse, with the impact being felt during the festival. The weather will also make...

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STEP is now closed!

Any unsold tickets will revert back to their original owner. If you want to buy or sell a ticket, you now need to do this using Quicket’s Ticket Transfer feature. The method of payment is now between the seller and the buyer, so please use common sense and exercise...

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Getting help on the Paddock

Medical Emergencies Medics are located in the blue building  in front of the crew area located at the back corner of Temple Paddock. Find someone with a radio (Rangers, Depot, Security, Site Manager) and get them to call the medics if the person is unable to be...

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Event Guide and Site Map online

Event Guide and Site Map online

The 2018 Event Guide is now able to be downloaded here. Weighing in at a whopping 20 pages this year, it also includes a site map. Where will you be camping? Consider bringing a bicycle this year as the Paddock has expanded a little and it might help you get around....

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