Here, look! Want to make art for Ignition festival? Auckland Burners could help you fund it! Auckland Burners will grant $250 each to two different art projects to help them make their dream a reality at Ignition Festival in 2019. To be considered, apply by...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Ignition news!
Hey you, the Igintion team area working really hard to make sure the event happens and they need you to check your email and respond asap if you: applied to be a Theme Camp applied to for an Art Grant volunteered for Gate volunteered as a Consent Guardian volunteered...
you’re getting a widdle wound-up…
Kia ora koutou, Monday 10th December is International Human Rights Day, celebrating that adoption of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. That's exactly 70 years ago! So that's cool. Listen up! Here is just a little bit of regional news for you -...
fire on all cylinders – ignition is go
As you may well have heard, resource consent for Ignition Festival in Matamata this January 23-28 has been granted. Woohoo! Will this be a time machine back to Kiwiburn 2000-and-ages-ago, or a whole new adventure? Tickets are sold out, so if you are still...
Round up your Regionals…
Cool conversations currently occurring concerning community and collaboration... and... ...Like this one, on how Afrikaburn is managed. For the geek in you! ...A burning book - by South Afrikan photographer Simon O'Callaghan. Any profits go to Afrikaburn. ...Burn2......
Support your camps and community
There are two special Burner events happening this weekend around the North Island, and both are fundraisers which will benefit Camp Nipple Clamp, Pillowtopia, Hijinxx, Funkhutt and a (nameless) new kid on the block! Go have FUN and help RAISE some much needed...
2019 Burning Seed theme
After almost 100 theme submissions, the Burning Seed Theme for 2019 is... Zoophemism How will you interpret Zoophemism for Burning Seed 2019? You could follow the description submitted by Jesseca: "Imagine a world where all euphemisms are animal...
There and everywhere, it’s a Round Up!
Welcome back to the Regional Round up, drawing in news from the rest of the world to tickle your eye-lobes (yep totally a thing). But first, a pop quiz! What does a world-wide mosaic, a Minotaur in Toulouse, some bums, the world of design and some graffiti...
The Burning Stories project
Did you attend Burning Man this year (or any year)? Got a story to tell? The academic team at Burning Stories would love to hear it! We know that time in Black Rock City leads to real, impactful change in individuals and communities, but as of now there is little...
Hey all you Rangers
Calling all past and present Black Sheep Rangers! We work hard and play hard on the paddock… now its time to have a reflection and kōrero about our aspirations as a ranger community and how we want to shape this going forward. Please get involved in our discussion...