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Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Kiwiburn – A Biophilic Festival

Kiwiburn – A Biophilic Festival

Kiwiburner Jax, who - as those of you who follow the Kiwiburn Facebook group will know - has been doing some anthropological work on Burner culture, recently won the postgraduate essay competition run by the academic journal Sites. Her article Kiwiburn - A Biophilic...

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Changes to the Ticketing Process – Looking for your input

Changes to the Ticketing Process – Looking for your input

Well, wasn’t Kiwiburn 2021 a hot little event to get a ticket for with so many people vying for them in the general sale. Having all tickets in baskets within 10 seconds certainly exceeded everyone's wildest expectations.  In fact, it was a little too wild, so the...

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Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

Kiwiburn cannot function without participants who are keen to volunteer year-round in both leadership and support roles. Although the Paddock could fit more Burners than the number of tickets sold at past Burns, we simply don’t have enough volunteers to make this...

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Photography Survey Results

Photography Survey Results

We asked, you answered, we read. And read and read and read, because the photography survey contained so many thoughtful insights, ideas, and observations! We can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience with us. And for applying your minds to how we can...

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More trees for the Kiwiburn site

More trees for the Kiwiburn site

Question: What does a Burner do on a weekend off?  Answer: Weekend? What’s one of them? And so it was that a bunch of us found our way to Hunterville this past Saturday to do some much needed tree planting on the Kiwiburn site. 10 hardy, spade swinging individuals got...

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Crew Facilitator 2iC Needed

Crew Facilitator 2iC Needed

Fancy yourself as a handy sidekick? Be the Robin to the Kiwiburn Crew's Batman, by volunteering as our Crew Facilitator 2iC. In this role, you'll support the Crew Facilitator in building strong communication and co-operation between the various Team Leads. This will...

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Theme Submissions – Last Chance!

Theme Submissions – Last Chance!

We asked for more submissions, and boy did we get them! We now have 31(!) delectable, impossible, inspiring, some-more-serious-than-others ideas on how to shape our wonderful thing in the Paddock in 2022. We are rooting for Space Cowboy Dinosaur Pirates From Space...

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Embers Blazing in the Fyre

Embers Blazing in the Fyre

With the Trans-Tasman Bubble opening (now there is a science-fiction opening line), we are starting to look abroad, to see which Burns are re-igniting in 2021. Calm down, calm down, of course they are all sold out!  Blazing Swan just successfully ran in Australia...

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Virtual Burning Man 2021

Virtual Burning Man 2021

Were you one of the 165,000 Burners who participated in the Burning Man virtual Multiverse in 2020?  Or did you miss out first time round and were hoping to get another crack at joining in a virtual Burn? Well good news folks, Virtual Burn is back in August 2021! Six...

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Photography at the Burn – what you said

Photography at the Burn – what you said

Image: Experience of photography at the Burn and online, survey results Thank you to 161 fabulous Burners (8% of the population!) who answered the survey and gave feedback on photography at Kiwiburn! We are crunching the numbers, and more importantly, the words, and...

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