Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Kiwiburn General Ticket Sale 3 October

Kiwiburn General Ticket Sale 3 October

Kiwiburn 2021 is now sold out! You’ve been waiting patiently, and finally the time is here. Kiwiburn 2021 General Ticket sale is on this Saturday 3 October at 10am! Make sure you have a registered Burner Profile before Saturday, even if you’ve registered for previous...

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Temple Announcement: OBSCURA

Temple Announcement: OBSCURA

In the wild sea of uncertainty, change, Covid, lockdown and 2020 madness, we have found our quiet inner core: OBSCURA, the Kiwiburn 2021 Temple. Gratitude and love to Gregg, long-time Kiwiburn artist and contributor, for stepping up and leading the build this time....

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Burning Man Regional Contact for NZ Wanted!

Burning Man Regional Contact for NZ Wanted!

The Burning Man Regional Network team are looking for a Regional Contact (RC) in New Zealand, to work in tandem with Pete Wyatt (aka Lumos) to help foster the Burning Man community in Aotearoa. This could be you! The New Zealand Burner community is large, thriving,...

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Covid Refund Policy and FAQ’s

Covid Refund Policy and FAQ’s

With tickets on sale as of 3 October, you might be wondering what happens in these uncertain times of Covid. While we are gearing up for an event that resembles normality (as much as Kiwiburn ever does!), there are a few things to know: If any part of the country is...

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Behind the Scenes – Meet Gregg, The Temple Lead for KB2021

Behind the Scenes – Meet Gregg, The Temple Lead for KB2021

Behind the Scenes - Meet Gregg, The Temple Lead for KB2021   Gregg will be a familiar face to many on the Paddock, especially if you’ve been involved with Temple or Effigy builds before. He’s had a hand in: 2016 - Kiwiburn Effigy "Maui" 2017 - Kiwiburn Temple...

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Wingman Festival to Honour Shane Billingham

Wingman Festival to Honour Shane Billingham

Friends of New Zealander Shane Wingman Billingham, who passed away tragically at Burning Man last year, are putting on the Wingman Festival in his memory, at Great Barrier Island (Shane’s home) on 30 January 2021. To fund this tribute, they have set up a Givealittle...

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How to Art, mobile edition!

How to Art, mobile edition!

Mutant Art Car!? Bro, I am in. What else do I need to know? We tapped the beautiful maple tree of knowledge and sustenance that is Lumos’s brain again to find out what other sticky tips he could provide us on how to create and bring a Mobile Art Car to the Paddock. So...

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A Post of Gratitude

A Post of Gratitude

Kiwiburn ExCom held its annual Summit last weekend, for the first time entirely online. In another change, not only did this include planning for the Kiwiburn 2021 event on day 1; day 2 was all about the future and where Kiwiburn wants to go when it grows up. This...

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Theme Camp Registrations Now Open

Theme Camp Registrations Now Open

Theme camp registrations are now open until 30 October, so get crackin’ on telling us all about your amazing Theme Camps, new or old, tried and tested, or maybe some brilliant new idea that is the one thing missing from the Paddock!  Please note that if you want to...

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