Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Art Grant Reminder

Art Grant Reminder

Build it, paint it, sew it, we want it! A reminder that we have funds we want to give to you to bring your artistic vision to the Burn. Apply for your art grant before we give it all to that guy who wants to build a fort out of beer bottles. Applications close on 6...

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Meet your 2021 Kiwiburn Comms Team!

Meet your 2021 Kiwiburn Comms Team!

Kiwiburn doesn’t happen if you don’t know about it - that’s why our Communications team is so important. We have had a great 2020 intake of new volunteers and the team met on 18 July to get to know each other and think on how best to bring you information, education...

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Finding Your Burn Family

Finding Your Burn Family

Did you know there are several online communities for Kiwiburners of different identities and backgrounds to safely connect and support each other? These include Women+ of Kiwiburn, POC (People of Colour) Kiwburn, and Rainbow Kiwiburn. Unlike the main Kiwiburn...

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Calling all artists! (clue: that’s you)

Calling all artists! (clue: that’s you)

Photocredit: Amy Potenger Artwork Credit: Pedal into the Portal by Steve Aiken Have you got an epic idea for Kiwiburn 2021 and need a little help to make it happen? Well, today is your lucky day! Art grants are now open! It’s been a long time coming, your ideas and...

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Keep the fire Burnin’!

Keep the fire Burnin’!

Hey there lovely humans! We have been posting quite a few openings here, and there are even more positions on the volunteer page. We are starting to ramp up to Kiwiburn 2021, so many roles are coming up as we are getting our sparkles in a row and piecing the magic...

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Be the next Kiwiburn Services or Safety Facilitator

Be the next Kiwiburn Services or Safety Facilitator

Photo by Tristan Tolley Kiwiburn is in need of two sparkly new Facilitators (sparkles optional). One to oversee the safety aspects and one to manage the services department. Facilitators are part of the ExCom, the group that makes key decisions about the event. Each...

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Sound about right?

Sound about right?

Photo of Funkhutt by Tristan Tolley Do you love all things sound? Have a background in audio engineering or sound tech? Kiwiburn has requirements that we need to meet as part of our resource consent, including how LOUD we get to play our tunes. To help make this...

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Celebrating International Kiwiburners

Celebrating International Kiwiburners

Now that New Zealand is in Level 1, and the cap on the number of people attending public gatherings has been lifted, it looks like Kiwiburn can go ahead in January more-or-less as normal. Except for one major difference: our borders will likely still be closed to most...

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Reminder: Volunteer positions still open!

Reminder: Volunteer positions still open!

Have you been thinking about it? We are still looking for a Services Facilitator, a Safety Facilitator, and, you know, the Big Kahuna, the Chair. This show ain’t gonna run itself! And the best Burn is a Burn you helped make. Apply now!

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