Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Burning Man is looking for a Regional Network Manager

Do you live near or around Reno, Nevada, San Francisco, California, or anywhere near these major Burner hubs in the US?  Burning Man has an opening for a Regional Network Manager to liaise with all Regional Contacts across the US and the rest of the world, to further...

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It’s A Date!

Kiwiburn 2021 will be held Wednesday 27 January – Monday 1 February. Discussions with the landowner and the Kiwiburn team took into account a variety of factors; earlier in January is not achievable due to set up constraints, and any later and we encounter fire...

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Scheming a Theme

Scheming a Theme

What will the Art Theme be for 2021? Outrageous, colourful and out of the ballpark? Sedate, serious and sooooooo grown up? Whatever your brainwave, now is your chance to help shape next year’s event, so get your thinking caps and submit your idea along with its...

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A Huge Thanks To Sound Camps!

A Huge Thanks To Sound Camps!

Photo of Funkhutt by Tristan Tolley The restrictions on sound this year were tighter than ever, though huge kudos to the Sound Camps because you guys did not once breach the limits. This goes such a long way towards maintaining healthy relationships with Council,...

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Regional Round Up

Burning Seed is calling out for submissions of concept designs for the 2020 Friday Burn! Information here.  Burning Man’s Global event planned for this May in Reno has been postponed for one year and will now happen in 2021. The explanation and reasons are here....

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Lost and Found!

Lost and Found!

Have you lost a precious item? Or found something amongst your stuff upon unpacking that you’re pretty sure isn’t yours? Check out the Depot led Lost and Found Facebook page where you can have a look what’s been handed in, or what other people found, as well as make a...

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Burning Man 2020 Ticketing info

Ready for your next Burn? Maybe check out the daddy of them all and pop along to the place they call Black Rock City? Info on tickets can be found here, so have a read and see what's involved and how to go about this.  There are a number of different types of tickets...

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Come to your Census

Thanks to everyone who has filled out the annual online Census already! Remind your friends and campmates too – it only takes a few minutes. Your feedback helps make Kiwiburn better every year!  

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Feeling the Love for the Volunteers

Feeling the Love for the Volunteers

A big, huge, massive, heartfelt THANK YOU to all volunteers. Whether you Rangered, controlled Burn perimeters, manned The Sanctuary or Deep Space, whether you slaved away on site for weeks before (and after) to get things ready, planned and worked year round, or...

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A Bird’s Eye View

A Bird’s Eye View

  Aerial view of Kiwiburn site by Paul Chaffe What did Kiwiburn look like from above? Here is the site in all of its magnificence! The photo was taken from a drone late in the week once the town was full, to give teams valuable insights to aid with future...

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