Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Maslenitsa – Russian Shrovetide festival

Humans burning things is deeply entrenched in many cultures, religions and folklore. The Russian festival of Maslenitsa is no different. Held just prior to Lent, the 40 day fast preceding Easter observed by Christian and Orthodox followers, the event has been...

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Aroha for our community

Aroha for our community

Illustration by Ruby Jones   Tēnā koutou katoa, We are filled with aroha and compassion for our Muslim communities, for all migrants, for former refugees and for Ōtautahi/Christchurch after the heart breaking and evil terrorist attack on Friday. Our condolences...

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What will be the Art Theme for 2020?

We missed being on the Paddock this year and are now looking to the future. What will the Kiwiburn 2020 theme be? The 2019 theme was to be Fractalicious, and we are going to automatically add it to the list for 2020. You have probably had some divine inspiration over...

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Renew your Kiwiburn membership

Did you buy a ticket and attend last year’s 2018 Kiwiburn Event? If you did, you’ve been a Member of Kiwiburn Incorporated since then! Why should you become a Member? Membership entitles you to attend the Kiwiburn Annual General meeting (AGM), giving YOU a voice...

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Regional Round Up, nice to see you again

Can you be too offensive at Burning Man? What is offensive when you follow radical self expression, shouldn’t you just walk away and practice some radical self-reliance? Read a Caveat rebuttal in the Burning Man Journal. Burning with Curiosity - a first timer attends...

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Burning Man tickets on sale dates

Time is racing along and 2019 Burning Man Metamorphosis is not far away. Want to be there? Well, you can! Here is all the info on tickets and when you can buy them. Please only use the official page for ticket information buying tickets. FOMO (formerly known as...

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Consent Club Givealittle Fundraiser

Consent Club Givealittle Fundraiser

Consent Club is a 100% volunteer run organisation helping make festivals and parties as safe as possible by offering harm reduction and a friendly and understanding face. The Guardian Volunteers work with festival goers and organisers to ensure there are resources for...

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Praise be Yonderman

Praise be Yonderman

Yonderman with the first Kiwiburn Effigy in January 2004.   Mark Stirling, aka Yonderman, resigned from his role as one of New Zealand’s Regional Contacts (RC) this week. Mark founded Kiwiburn in 2003 after discovering Burning Man by accident in 1994, and has...

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Be cool, be hip, be Kiwiburn’s new Arts Facilitator

So you want to be more involved with the Kiwiburn community AND you want to help make the Magic Happen? By Jove, have we got the role for you.  Kiwiburn is looking for a stellar new Arts Facilitator. It involves facilitating the pretty and getting sh*t done;...

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Know your Regionals

The Burning Man network is always growing every year world-wide. Do you plan your travels around Regional events? You can alway find out what is on here.

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