Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Going to Burning Man?

Going to Burning Man?

The ticket sale came and went like a stack of magical hotcakes that come with a free jetpack - gone in seconds! If you are lucky enough to have a ticket, go you! ExCom is sending a delegation of its own, give us a shout out and connect or come find us at TinkleDrum,...

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Afrika Burns Again

Afrika Burns Again

It’s been a while since we have looked at other Burns - cancellations abounded and travel was restricted. But it’s time to wake up and smell the burning wood - Burns are restarting like embers in a fire. The Clan (AfrikaBurn’s effigy) burns in 18 days, which means...

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Tinkle tinkle little drum…

Tinkle tinkle little drum…

... we can't believe how far you've come! We have been talking and talking about Tinkle Drum, the awesome, sustainable, creative, participatory art work which is going to Burning Man with its Kiwi creators and a whole entourage of Kiwiburners. If you are curious and...

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Kiwiburn’s approach to removing carbon

Kiwiburn’s approach to removing carbon

Should Kiwiburn be “carbon neutral”, and what does that mean*? When: Tuesday 12th April, 6-7pm Where: Virtual meeting on Google Meet. This year, the sustainability team are working hard to start reducing Kiwiburn’s greenhouse gas emissions in a serious way, but let’s...

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Kiwiburn opportunities

Kiwiburn opportunities

We are done resting and we are regrouping! If you want to contribute to KB 2023 as a year round volunteer, this is the time to join a team. Year round volunteers: Are the backbone of the organisation Work throughout the year (duh!) - some of them also work onsite...

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Meet Tinkle Drum!

Meet Tinkle Drum!

In case you’re wondering what Kiwiburn ExCom is up to while we wait for KB2023 preparations to swing into action, meet our new adoptive child: Tinkle Drum. Tinkle Drum is the brainchild of Bibi and Josh, two Kiwi artists living in Amsterdam. They are creating a human...

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Meet our new Comms 2iC: Jo Legutko

Meet our new Comms 2iC: Jo Legutko

We are doing some reshuffling in the Comms team, with the result that Jo Legutko, our EFP writer, is stepping into the Comms 2iC role, and we have room to recruit new EFP writers now (The Best Job!!!).  What follows is an interview by Jo with Jo on what Jo does:...

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Let us Begin Again

Let us Begin Again

Kiwiburn 2022 was the Burn that wasn’t - it encountered Covid and backed politely away, ensuring our safety at the expense of our beautiful self expression. It was mourned in myriads of mini-burns, campfires and in our burning hearts. And now it’s March: the Burn is...

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Site Safety

Site Safety

The Site Safety Facilitator works with all the other teams (Theme camps, arts, etc) to make sure that what they are making is safe for everyone to interact with. It’s all fun and NOBODY gets hurt, is the motto here. There is also a big component of Fire Safety  -...

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The Wellbeing Facilitator is a new role, pulling together all aspects of looking after mental and physical wellbeing of participants, volunteers, and any other humans who might be involved in the Burn. This means you look after the Black Sheep Rangers, the Medics,...

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