We are still working on how to do refunds as there are a number of factors that need to be considered. We will likely look to the community for some input as well. For example, considerations are: Refund amount (per our policy, this is a sliding scale, still being...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
A Thank You Message from the Chair
I would like to do a big shout out of thanks and gratitude to You - our Community - who despite the understandable disappointment of the cancellation, have expressed compassion and support for ExCom and other volunteer organisers who have been constantly reviewing the...
Kiwiburn Cancellation in the News
If you’re intrigued to see what the mainstream Media had to say about Kiwiburn 2022’s cancellation, have a gander at these pieces from Stuff or the Herald. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Join Kiwiburn’s Executive Committee
Kiwiburn’s Executive Committee - better known as ExCom, since that sounds more like a cool spaceship from a ‘90s video game and less like a bunch of people who attend Zoom meetings - has a few seats that currently need to be filled. These roles are vital for...
Introducing… the Kiwiburn Portal!
The Kiwiburn IT Team has been ferreting away behind the scenes all year, bringing some sweet new tools to life, and we're proud to announce the all new Kiwiburn Portal! The Portal is your one-stop shop for managing your participation in the upcoming Kiwiburn Event,...
Welcome: New Services Facilitator Chloe!
Chloe is taking over from Craig as our new Services Facilitator, but you may already know her from Gate! And here is more about Chloe: Tell us a little about yourself: My first Burn was 2018, despite having known about Kiwiburn since 2010, and I instantly fell in love...
Thank you to Outgoing Services Facilitator Craig
As can be read here, we have a new Services Facilitator on ExCom, welcome Chloe! And so it is a massive thank you to Craig, Odin Patterpaws, who leaves the Services department in ship shape, though he is not going far! Craig (while also looking after ticketing!) has...
Time Travel: The Blog
With a theme like Time Travel, it is time to travel back and remember the Burns that were - when only 7 of us burnt an Effigy of a packing crate in a barrel while smoking river weeds, Gate was just a line in the sand, and everything was just BETTER, in them old days....
Guard Kiwiburn’s Hoard of Gold!
Kiwiburn needs a new Treasurer – someone to oversee and report on the financial administration of Kiwiburn Inc. The Treasurer ensures the Society’s finances are healthily maintained and that reporting and auditing requirements are met. They also manage our cashflows...
Leaders and Sidekicks Needed: Site Safety, Wellbeing, and Services
Three of Kiwiburn’s departments need new leaders, and new 2iCs: Site Safety, Wellbeing, and Services. The three leaders all sit on ExCom and attend ExCom’s meetings and conferences. Site Safety Facilitator This leader is responsible for ensuring Kiwiburn is a...