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Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Covid update

Covid update

Kiwiburn 2022 is getting close, and we are operating under the assumption that we can make it all go ahead. But there is some uncertainty in the age of Covid, traffic lights, vaccination passports and the whole new world of whatever we are calling this age now. To...

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What’s in a Paddock Name?

What’s in a Paddock Name?

Have you wondered how Paddock names come about? Hint: It’s not a special ceremony where ancient Burner Gods read your soul and bestow your true identity on you, along with your Paddock Hat and a coupon for free sausage rolls (if only!)  Paddock names happen when they...

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ExCom roles available: help keep Burners safe

ExCom roles available: help keep Burners safe

With the recent announcement of the new org structure, and some other shuffles, there are a number of new ExCom and 2IC roles available, all in the safety and wellbeing space. The Safety department has been split into two and we are now looking for leads and 2ICs for...

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Blogger Needed

Blogger Needed

Kiwiburn’s Communications team needs a new blogger, someone to write long-form pieces about Kiwiburn life and issues, articles to inform new members about important aspects of the Burning experience, and even thoughts to help long-time Burners reflect on things. See...

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How to bring your Mobile Art to the Paddock

How to bring your Mobile Art to the Paddock

Are you making Art That Moves? Whether it’s an Alien Spaceship or a Steampunk Hedgehog, if it moves, it must be registered, and to be registered it must meet a bunch of criteria. Read all about what needs to happen to make your magic steed gallop safely and awesomely...

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Changes for MPW

Changes for MPW

Kiwiburn’s infrastructure build crew, Ministry of Public Works (or MPW) are undergoing a wee shake-up as the Mighty Nan, leader of all My Little Pony followers on the Paddock, is stepping down from the MPW lead role. He is handing over reins to his 2IC’s Bing and...

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Meet the Effigy Lead, Jo!

Meet the Effigy Lead, Jo!

The Effigy is in the works, and Jo Artemis Fox, who made the beautiful Phoenix sculpture for KB2021, is in charge this time. Meet Jo. She’s amazing: Tell us a little about yourself: I've been to 7 Kiwiburns and have been involved every year in various capacities. I am...

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Meet the Temple Leads, Karl and Tora

Meet the Temple Leads, Karl and Tora

This year we have two wonderful humans in charge of creating the Temple: Karl Matthews as design lead, and Tora McKenzie as the build lead. While we are not giving away the design in any way, see what you can guess from what they shared with us: Tell us a little about...

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Extra Theme Camp Tickets

Extra Theme Camp Tickets

An additional 100 tickets have been allocated to Theme Camps out of the pool of 550 reserved for volunteers, Effigy, Temple, and crew. Historically any surplus tickets in this reserved pool were released into the STEP queue around the start of January once all...

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